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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weigh in

So I lost 3 pounds this which is the most I have lost in 1 week ina very long time. Which puts me at 202.8 and a SIZE 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought my first and last pair of size 16 jeans because I only HOPE to be in them like 2 months! And they are skinny jeans! Which by the way are really weird, I really like having the mobility of regular jean but when I am trying to stuff my jeans into my boots every day it gets old. It weird to be in skin tight jeans.but Mike likes them! I am not sure how much I like it but hey 1 pair 60 days! So if I can cont to loose like 3 pound every week for 2 months until March 15th I will of lost which is 43 days from now which is 8 weeks, I will of lost 24 pounds! Ohh pray I can! that means by the time the competition is over I would of lost about 58 pounds in 6 months. That would be great! But that isnt my goal! My goal weight is 150 by the end, not 155 so I better be good! Ohh how great would it be to be 155 again.
I know you are probably thinking if you are skinny that 155 is big HAH! NOPE! For my height that is only 10 pound over weight! That can be done is a summer so by the time we move here and start some where else I will be loving my 135 figure! Ohhh happy day! I havent been 135 since I was 20!
Its great to see that it could really be! It could be skinny family pictures somewhere in the world. Running with my kids and being active. It could be me doing 3 days walks and marathons! And it could be healthy! hmmmmNICE!
Well I have to go to bed but hmm think about what can be done in one YEAR! The growth, The change, The new LIFE!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This week

So I have been bouncing around 204 for some time. And can I say that is so frustrating. So this week I am really trying to buckle down and be Nutritarin. I went to a really good friend of mine who is very wise and educated in health and fitness too get some help. Janeen Alley the great women she is helped me get my stuff together and now I am marching along the right path again! I am so excited to get on the scale this week and see what a difference!
Along with working out because I have such a slow metabolism I am cutting all breads( which I am so addicted too! I LOVE BREAD! ) and Dairy. Which Dairy is going to be the one I slowly let go of. Bread is going to be really tough. I see people with bread and I just want it! No joke I saw a kid today holding a bag from the bakery and a part of me wanted to go rip it out of his hands! I need help! MY LANTA!
SO day 2 of trying to be very good. I am really enjoying the menus and the weight loss. Hey maybe I might hit my goal after all! Gesh wouldn't that be great!
So tonight I am going to get good sleep and hit the gym hard again tomorrow! I want 6 miles in 66 minutes! I will get it believe you me!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

This week

So this week we started out doing 60-90 minutes of cardio a day then weights. I have gained weight do to weight training but at the same time my legs are looking good and my arms too so I am taking the gain with a smile. Hopefully next week I can loose more and not gain. I hate the 200 pound hurdle. I have been sitting at it for weeks and cant get under. I have a feeling it has to do with hot coco! I am in love with it and its winter.
Side note: Still no FBI Clearance! Uggg Its so difficult to be so close and it take so long! But the Lords timing! Today I was sent a email about a baby due in 3 weeks that needed a family and we cant take it because we dont have the clearance yet. So bummed but thats life! Little boy too!

Anyways well I am off to go shopping and then spend time with Friends and then Hopefully a date!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

Okay so I suck at blogging but I find it therapeutic to release my thoughts so I am going to do it anyways!
So I am going to breake down the next year for you in in Months:

January: Waiting for approval for Adoption, Mike Starts school Again
February: Approved for Adoption, Mike school
March:Mike School- put in for Orders
April: 5 Years Married
May: Mike school, Biggest Loser Challenge Over
June: Sam Birthday, Korea trip for Girls
July: Friends wedding in Utah
August: Festivals and Hiking Mt Fuji
September: Mike Birthday
October: Halloween
November: 3 day Breast Cancer Walk in San Diego, Thanksgiving
December: Move!

So this year is packed full of Stuff! Plus we are planning on getting a baby in he spring somewhere between February - June! We are so excited for this year and all its going to be bringing !

So I am off to the gym to kick butt for 2 hours!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Turkey Trot and Biggest loser

So Saturday Mike, Tamara Cobb and I did the 5 k Turkey trot. Tamara and I finished in 40:30. Which isnt to bad . Next spring I want 33 minutes! It is a pride thing I think. I want to be able to do 11 minute miles. and then get faster. I wont be happy till I can do it in 33 minutes. So Emily Steiger and I are going to be running a 5 k 4 times a week then a 4-5 miler once a week. I really want to be a runner and beable to like running. Today I went alone and I was so bored! Even with a audible book and switching to music. Ugggg. Maybe I just nee to go find nature. When I used to run 10 YEARS ago I ran in nature behind the Carlsbad mall. There was a perfect trail through a canyon that was almost a mile and I would do it all week. Then I moved and running stopped. So now I am trying to get back into it. I have a 1/2 marathon and full Marathon on my bucket list, they must get checked off!
So the 5 K went okay I was really mad at my time but whatever what can I do!

I am apart of a biggest loser competition with some friends and I only lost 2 fricken pounds last week! even after the 5 k! WHAT THE HECK! I kicked butt all last week and 2 POUNDS REALLY! GRRRR I can gain that in 1 day back if I am not careful. SO this week I want 4-6 pounds! Now you may say " WAIT TO MUCH" umm people think about it I am 211 pounds 6 pounds is NOTHING! That's a small baby! hehehhe okay so I am kicking up my cardio all this week. I am so winning this week!
We have 6 months to lose what you can and the 1 who losses the most percentage of body weight wins! My goal is to loose about 76 pounds. That would put me at 135. Ohh to be 135 again! That would make me a size 10 again! Which means I would of gone from size 20 to 10. Hmmm so awesome! I am taking my measurements this Saturday to see where I am. COME ON BODY!

My Favorite saying are " Nothing tastes as good as skinny does"( Thanks to Dana L) and " Fat dont Hurt!) Emily Steiger! and best of all " DO you want to have fat kids and be a fat mom?"" HELL NO! " Biggest loser (Jillian M)

So here I go! I have a 5 K with my Church group Thurs. morning I better get under 39!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Adoption Update

So Yesterday we mailed all the clearances we needed to for state and government. So Then We went to get our vase clearance which just says that we have no tickets or domestic issues. After That we turned it into our Case worker Deanna and she said that it should be 2-4 weeks from now till we are on the Approved list! Which means we would be on the LISTS! Once we are on the Home study Approved lists we have 0-4 months till we have a baby!
We are so excited its getting closer! We are planning that it shouldn't happen before the new year. We are thinking January. The timing for Match is 0-2 months then after you are matched its 0-4 months. So it also could take up to 6 months. Say worse case is we get matched and she is only 6 mths pregnant, then we wait.
To pass the time I am doing a biggest loser challenge and its 6 mths long !SO every day I am working out about 2.5 hours and weigh in every Saturday night. My goal by 6 months is to weigh under 140! I am now 213( last Saturday weigh in) and so I have 72 pounds to go! I am so killing this one! Its hurts but I have started to look forward to working out. I get up every morning and work out from 9- 1130 and then eat lunch and do what I need to do around the house. It keeps me busy. I am hanging in there. Mike is being such a wonderful support and team player. i have 2 work out buddy's that keep me going on tired sore days! I want to be able to go running as a family and be the team mom and be healthy and fit. I am sick of being the obese mom to be. I hit 235 last spring and was so depressed I had let that happened. But as of Dec.1 I will be under 200! And by June under 140! Ohh I am so excited! The great thing is that I dont have to take time time off to heal after we get the baby! I can go run while Mike takes care of Konnor or Vivian. But I will not take baby out in public to like church and stuff till they are at least 3-4 weeks. The winter time carries to much sickies!

Well I have to go get fabric for the tree skirt I am making in quilting class, today 2 miles - 23 minutes!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What a week!

First off I worked out everyday last week so I hit my goal ! I may not of hit the GYM everyday but I sure worked my butt off Moving two friends! That's a whole other story! But I worked out. I take my measurments next week, I am not sure how they will be due to me being on my period they may be off a bit. But hey whatever!
Ohh Mu body hurts today! Yesterday kicked my trash and then today was a busy crazy day. Thia ext month will be super busy and super crazy but hey it passes the time.
Here is what I have been up too!

Two Diaper Cakes for orders. yea I know I forgot to turn then!

My first Quilting Class Quilt in progress. I have this part all sewn together and straight too! I was pretty proud. Now I have the border and one more box border then binding and back!

So Mike was nominated at work for a fundraiser to get a pie in the face. the highest bidder would get to create and throw the pie! I WON the BID!

Lets just say it was a lot of ingredients and super fun! My hubby is such a great sport!