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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What a week!

First off I worked out everyday last week so I hit my goal ! I may not of hit the GYM everyday but I sure worked my butt off Moving two friends! That's a whole other story! But I worked out. I take my measurments next week, I am not sure how they will be due to me being on my period they may be off a bit. But hey whatever!
Ohh Mu body hurts today! Yesterday kicked my trash and then today was a busy crazy day. Thia ext month will be super busy and super crazy but hey it passes the time.
Here is what I have been up too!

Two Diaper Cakes for orders. yea I know I forgot to turn then!

My first Quilting Class Quilt in progress. I have this part all sewn together and straight too! I was pretty proud. Now I have the border and one more box border then binding and back!

So Mike was nominated at work for a fundraiser to get a pie in the face. the highest bidder would get to create and throw the pie! I WON the BID!

Lets just say it was a lot of ingredients and super fun! My hubby is such a great sport!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This weekend has been really hot. Well really since last Monday it has been hot! I find its really difficult to workout on hot days. I workout Monday Wends Friday just fine but other days its just so hot! But I have to get moving. I feel like i could do so much better but the heat and humidity wipes me. Liek I am talking about 99 degree with 85% humidity and no A/C! Its a killer!
So my goal this week is to work out 6 days no matter how hot! I will be checking in everyday so that you know I am doing it! If I dont go you better yell at me!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Ohh my goodness I am so wiped today! Keith kicked my trash! For the first time I felt so sick after wards, but now that I ate I am okay! No pain no loss. 11 INCHES LOST!In 3 weeks I AM SO EXCITED! Now to see what the scale says! OKAY MOMENT OF TRUTH! 2.4 pounds in 1 week and that was with a half full bladder! WOOOOT WOOT happy dance. Ohhh I dont care how sore I am that makes it worth t!

What a week!

Okay s I started this blog to make my self accountable for what I do everyday.So umm yeah Not so good at the blogging thing. But I have learned a few things like.....

1. My body hates me if I only drink half a gallon of water a day. But I feel water logged in the brain when I drink 1.5 gallons of water in 7 hours.
2. I suck at counting calories. I have gotten so used to not counting calories that its hard for me to count them.Example how to you count tofu Asian stir fry? HOME MADE?
3.I only workout on trainer days! Okay I am supposed to work out 5-6 days a week. umm yeah not so much. I want to but I have learned that If I dont get up and go at 9 am that I dont go at all. Umm and I even have a treadmill in my living room. Yep I haven't used it once.

So tonight I am going to start writing down everything I eat and then trying to figure out the calories. I have been just trying to figure out the calories at every snack and meal and that takes alot of time when you make everything fresh!

So tomorrow I am going to start writing down every strawberry, orange, bell pepper and kale I eat then every night before bed figure it out.

I have my second body tapping on Monday and I am wondering if anything has changed. It will be 3 weeks and I know I haven't lost any pounds yet. But I am not looking for "fast just get to it results" I am looking for life time change!

Tonight for dinner I made Bruschetta with Kale and whole wheat bread and salmon flavored in Mrs. Dash. It was yummy! And for dessert at 7:30pm Fresh Strawberry's and Organic yogurt.