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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Adoption Update

So Yesterday we mailed all the clearances we needed to for state and government. So Then We went to get our vase clearance which just says that we have no tickets or domestic issues. After That we turned it into our Case worker Deanna and she said that it should be 2-4 weeks from now till we are on the Approved list! Which means we would be on the LISTS! Once we are on the Home study Approved lists we have 0-4 months till we have a baby!
We are so excited its getting closer! We are planning that it shouldn't happen before the new year. We are thinking January. The timing for Match is 0-2 months then after you are matched its 0-4 months. So it also could take up to 6 months. Say worse case is we get matched and she is only 6 mths pregnant, then we wait.
To pass the time I am doing a biggest loser challenge and its 6 mths long !SO every day I am working out about 2.5 hours and weigh in every Saturday night. My goal by 6 months is to weigh under 140! I am now 213( last Saturday weigh in) and so I have 72 pounds to go! I am so killing this one! Its hurts but I have started to look forward to working out. I get up every morning and work out from 9- 1130 and then eat lunch and do what I need to do around the house. It keeps me busy. I am hanging in there. Mike is being such a wonderful support and team player. i have 2 work out buddy's that keep me going on tired sore days! I want to be able to go running as a family and be the team mom and be healthy and fit. I am sick of being the obese mom to be. I hit 235 last spring and was so depressed I had let that happened. But as of Dec.1 I will be under 200! And by June under 140! Ohh I am so excited! The great thing is that I dont have to take time time off to heal after we get the baby! I can go run while Mike takes care of Konnor or Vivian. But I will not take baby out in public to like church and stuff till they are at least 3-4 weeks. The winter time carries to much sickies!

Well I have to go get fabric for the tree skirt I am making in quilting class, today 2 miles - 23 minutes!

1 comment:

  1. I love your goals Sam. You will make them cause you have the determination to do so. I am so happy that this will all happen soon. I am happy that you are taking up running, and the wonderful progress that you have made. They are saying that we have 2 weeks before the house will be completed. Right now we have a house built, windows are in, sheet rock is up and perferated, some baseboards are in, the closets have the shelves in them, the stairs railing is up, the doors are in, and the garage doors are put up. There are buckets of primer are in the garage. Not sure if that is going to be used on the outside or inside. I will be looking forward to hearing of the new addition to make the start of your family. I love you both so much. Mom Raadgep
